National DigiFoundry
Digital Asset Innovation Ecosystem
The National DigiFoundry is a member-funded national collaboration initiative to foster continuous innovation in the digital asset ecosystem. Initially funded by the National Science Foundation, the organization is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that serves as a business incubator for innovative Web 3/Industry 4.0 startups.
NDF Steering Committee

Our Story
It represents an opportunity for public and private sector innovators to work together to mitigate and deal with various risks, frauds, and scams in digital assets. By fostering a public/private partnership with extensive participation, the NDF, a National Science Foundation grant recipient, aims to create an inclusive environment that caters to society’s diverse needs and interests, thereby democratizing financial systems and reducing inequalities.

Collaboratively exploring global standards and best practices for the use and exchange of digital assets.
Services We Provide
Blockchain, Web 3.0, Crypto Virtual Course Access

No additional charge to Bronze or higher NDF members. One (1) access
SBIR / STTR / Grant Application Strategy Session

No additional charge to Bronze or higher NDF members.
Solution Development Infrastructure Access

Leverage our low-cost technical infrastructure to develop and showcase your solution - $NDT 25/day
NDF DAO Membership
- Digi-Foundry website login credentials
- Access to member-only content
- Advance notice of NDF events
- $NDT account authorization (Stargazer wallet required)
- Vote on industry best practices
- Propose working groups
- Vote on working groups
- 1,000 utility tokens
- Bronze Member NFT for the applicable year
- Digi-Foundry website login credentials
- Access to member-only content
- Advance notice of NDF events
- $NDT account authorization (Stargazer wallet required)
- Vote on industry best practices
- Propose industry best practices
- Propose working groups
- Vote on working groups
- 2,500 utility tokens
- Silver Member NFT for the applicable year
- Digi-Foundry website login credentials
- Access to member-only content
- Advance notice of NDF events
- $NDT account authorization (Stargazer wallet required)
- Propose industry best practices
- Propose working groups
- Vote on working groups
- Vote on industry best practices
- Vote on research projects
- 5,000 utility tokens
- Gold Member NFT for the applicable year
- Digi-Foundry website login credentials
- Access to member-only content
- Advance notice of NDF events
- $NDT account authorization (Stargazer wallet required)
- Propose industry best practices
- Vote on industry best practices
- Propose research projects
- Vote on research projects
- Vote on governance changes
- 10,000 utility tokens
- Platinum Member NFT for the applicable year
- Digi-Foundry website login credentials
- Access to member-only content
- Advance notice of NDF events
- $NDT account authorization (Stargazer wallet required)
- Propose industry best practices
- Vote on industry best practices
- Propose governance changes
- Vote on governance changes
- Propose capital investments
- Vote on capital investment
- Sponsor capital investments
- 25,000 utility tokens
- Governance Member NFT for the applicable year
Entitles to receive equivalent membership rights and privileges with the Government Blockchain Association.
- 15% of NDF annual fee
NDF Onboarding
- Complete membership application
- Review and sign formal contract document
- Bronze Foundry Worker-$NDT 2,500
- Silver Sand Caster- $NDT 5,000
- Gold Die Caster- $NDT 10,000
- Centrifugal Caster- $NDT 25,000
- Governance Continuous Caster – $NDT 50,000
- Join NDF workgroup(s)
- Propose industry best practices
- Vote on industry best practices
- Propose governance changes
- Vote on governance changes
- Propose capital investments
- Vote on capital investment
- Sponsor capital investments
- Membership level NFT for the applicable year
NDF Workgroups

Workgroups are the core of our operations and are the source of our value. Participation enriches your NDF experience by allowing you to share your expertise across a global community. NDF membership and 2,500 Digitokens per workgroup are required to participate. If you are not a member, please become a member first by completing the membership request form. All Bronze members ($299 annual fee) receive 1,000 Digi Tokens.

NDF Workgroup Funding
NDF Workgroups are funded through one of four paths:
- NDF direct funding through the membership proposal and voting process;
- Contract or grant awarded to the NDF through a government or commercial RFI/RFP process;
- Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) or Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) contract awarded to an NDF member through a US government solicitation process that lists the NDF as a partner or contractor
- Contract or grant awarded to an NDF member through a government or commercial sole source bid process that lists the NDF as a partner or contractor
The National DigiToken ($NDT) will be the primary digital asset used within the NDF. They serve as the platform’s economic engine and are the internal exchange currency used for paying transaction fees and participating in NDF activities. $NDT is not traded on the open market or listed on any token exchange. Operationally, $NDT will be used as the internal funding mechanism for resourcing topical working groups. Members can support the topics and activities important to them through a minimum pledge of 2,500 $NDT per 6-month workgroup term to support any proposed workgroup topics. Members can earn $NDT for volunteer work, in-kind donations, capital investments into the DAO, or through fiat currency exchange. Individuals can exchange 2,500 $NDT for lifetime access to online professional certification in blockchain, cryptocurrency, and Web 3.0 technology through The Blockchain Academy.

Stargazer Wallet
All members will be issued a Stargazer Wallet to manage their National DigiTokens ($NDT). Your wallet is a portal to your crypto assets, personal data, and Web3 experiences. $NDT is not traded on the open market or listed on any token exchange. Stargazer works on all your favorite devices with three different flavors and is cross-chain compatible with the Ethereum Network. If you own a crypto wallet, we will assist you with setup and configuration during onboarding.